Promising rehearsal against Canada

Sweden - Canada 3-1 (2-0)
Sweden: Hedvig Lindahl - Sara Larsson, Hanna Marklund, Jane Törnqvist, Kristin Bengtsson - Anna Sjöström (58 Frida Östberg), Malin Moström, Caroline Seger (71 Malin Andersson), Lotta Schelin - Victoria Svensson, Hanna Ljungberg (69 Maria Karlsson)
Goals: 1-0 Hanna Ljungberg (13), 2-0 Victoria Svensson (17), 3-0 Malin Moström (63), 3-1 Christine Sinclair (70).
Attendance: 2,503
A convincing performance from the swedish side in their last match before the European Championships. Canada, that defeated Denmark 4-3 only a few days earlier, was never any real threat. Particulary nice to see the cooperation between Hanna Ljungberg and Victoria Svensson working good. Marika Domanski Lyfors also fielded a straight midfield without a defensive mid. Having Malin Moström and Carolina Seger, players that are both happy to push forward, in the centre mid turned out good and a very reliable back line took care of what flaws there might have been in the defensive play. Jane Törnqvist probably worked her way back to a starting position after a less than convincing last 6 months. Josefine Öqvist and Therese Sjögran both rested because of minor injuries.

Svensk Fotboll
SVT: Svensson och Ljungberg bröt måltorkan , Match clip, windows media
TV4: Match clip    
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