Player reactions to national team coach switch

The swedish national team players, that have commented om the head coach switch has done so in fairly cautious terms. National team captain Malin Moström thinks Dennerby is a good tactician and knows a lot about the women's game. Hanna Ljungberg and Malin Andersson says that it's always good with a new voice and new ideas. And Victoria Svensson adds that as long as he doesn't take on Marika Domanski Lyfors' tradition of singing to her players after a successfull game (she has heard him sing), she's sure it will work out all right.

Dennerby himself, although he thinks it's premature to air his personal opinions on how to coach the team, talks about what is traditional swedish fooball values; team building, organization, defense, well defined roles for the players. He says he likes a good passing play, but he wants the passes deep into the attacking zone.

Marika Domanski Lyfors says she's of course disappointed, but respect the FA's decision.

SVT: Dennerby tar över damlandslaget , clip
TV4: clip
Trelleborgs Allehanda: Marika: Klart jag är besviken
Trelleborgs Allehanda: Guldmakaren tar över
Sydsvenskan: Dennerby vill inte ge programförklaring
Sydsvenskan: Dennerby tar över damlandslaget


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