Umeå benchsitters joins Jitex

Umeå's back-up goalie Johanna Baecklund and midfielder/forward Johanna Andersson, both with very little time on the field for Umeå last season, has decided to join relegated Jitex in the 1st division. Both have had the option to join Damallsvenskan sides, but feels that it will be better to play for a winning team in the 1st division than for a relegation struggler in Damallsvenskan. Jitex' management has made it clear that they are aiming for a speedy return to the top flight.
Västerbottens Folkblad:
Umeå IK tappar Johannor

In other Jitex news, the transfer of midfielder Therese Björk to Qbik doesn't go as smoothly as expected. Björk has one year left on her contract with Jitex and the club wants compensation. The SEK 50,000 they demands from Qbik was met with dropped jaws: "We want her to come to us, but this is a grotesque amount of money". Jitex on their side says the sum Qbik offered wasn't even worth discussing. They add that they have had inquieries about almost all their players with long-time contracts and can't let Björk go without due compensation.
Värmlands Folkblad: Qbik och Jitex ännu inte överens om Therese Björck

Bälinge's two new Finnish recruits, Petra Vaelma och Katri Nokso-Koivisto, visited Uppsala for contract signing and meetings with coach and fellow players. They said that they are moving to Sweden to develop as players: "Everybody knows that Damallsvenskan is the best league in the world and our Finnish league isn't even close".
Upsala Nya Tidning: Tuff start för Bälinges nyförvärv


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