Player injuries
AIK's Nazanin Vaseghpanah, the team's top scorer in the 1st division last year, has been ordered to rest by her doctors following an overstrained groin muscle. The verdict in 2-3 months rest and rehab before she can join the team. Norrettans skyttedrottning borta flera månader
Linköping's and Finland's 29 year old midfielder Anna-Kaisa Rantanen suffered knee ligament tear in a training match against Örebro. Operation and a possibly 6 month long rehab period will follow, which oputs her out of play for almost the entire season.
Corren: Rantanen borta hela säsongen
Linköping FC: Anna-Kaisa om skadan
Bälinge's keeper Maja Åström suffered a severe foot injury during training a few days ago. Nothing broken, but ligaments, cartilage and sinews are all damaged. Six weeks in a cast will follow and it will probably take more than two montrhs before she can play again. Åström is a key player for Bälinge and when she was injured the last three matches last year, the team conceded 14 goals compared to the 27 in the 19 matches with Åström in goal.
The club is looking for a replacement, but they need to find a player that is not registred for a club, which points in direction to USA. USA's Jennifer Branam has played for Bälinge and could have been an alternative, but is presently undergoing treatment for cancer.
Upsala Nya Tidning: Bälinges chockbesked - Maja Åström skadad, Åströms tillstånd värre än befarat, video interview with coach Söderlund Norrettans skyttedrottning borta flera månader
Linköping's and Finland's 29 year old midfielder Anna-Kaisa Rantanen suffered knee ligament tear in a training match against Örebro. Operation and a possibly 6 month long rehab period will follow, which oputs her out of play for almost the entire season.
Corren: Rantanen borta hela säsongen
Linköping FC: Anna-Kaisa om skadan
Bälinge's keeper Maja Åström suffered a severe foot injury during training a few days ago. Nothing broken, but ligaments, cartilage and sinews are all damaged. Six weeks in a cast will follow and it will probably take more than two montrhs before she can play again. Åström is a key player for Bälinge and when she was injured the last three matches last year, the team conceded 14 goals compared to the 27 in the 19 matches with Åström in goal.
The club is looking for a replacement, but they need to find a player that is not registred for a club, which points in direction to USA. USA's Jennifer Branam has played for Bälinge and could have been an alternative, but is presently undergoing treatment for cancer.
Upsala Nya Tidning: Bälinges chockbesked - Maja Åström skadad, Åströms tillstånd värre än befarat, video interview with coach Söderlund