Cristiane close to signing for Linköping
Linköping chairman Christer Mård confirms that the club has presented Cristiane with a contract offer and that they are close to an greement. "It will not be a cheap contract", says Mård, but it is financially viable. Initially it will be for the first half of the season, until the league goes on a break for the Olympics in July and August.
Corren: Storstjärna nära Linköping
The Brazilian newssite UOL Esporte also mentiones that in addition to Cristiane, Linköping is also talking to midfielder Daniela. And both AIK and Djurgården are reported to be interested in signing the tenacious midfielder Formiga, even if Formiga shouldn't be available until after the Olympics.
UOL Esporte: Daniela Alves e Cristiane próximas de se tornarem rivais de Marta
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