Some Olympic tidbits
Västerbottenskuriren: OS-drömmen som slets sönder
Sweden's national team is training on the sunny island Gotland in the Baltic before they take the trip east. Lotta Schelin and Victoria Svensson has been resting, but nothing to worry about says national team physician Per Lindblom. On the other hand are Caroline Seger and Josefine Öqvist starting to look really good and are doing high intensity training now.
Svensk fotboll: Seger-Öqvist bättre, Schelin-Svensson vilade
Lotta Schelin, probably Sweden's biggest star at the moment, is the only one in the squad that doesn't get any stipends from the Swedish Olympic Committee. The reason: she makes too much money anyway. Lotta isn't happy about this, but when told that she has been treated the same way as other big Swedish athletic stars like Carolina Klüft and Sanna Kallur, she is ready to accept it.
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